Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Build your wild self avatar

Today we did AKO room4 taught me how to make an avatar 
this is me I can stick to wall like an octopus I have an long beak.

 By Logan R

Friday, 11 April 2014

Lincoln unirersity

On monday room 3  room 1  and room 2  went to the sports day and it poured with rain.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

A Challenging Moment

Room 3 produces lots of WOW work and our writing is no different. I just thought WOW could stand for Work On Writing and that's what we have been doing this week!

This week we have been writing about a challenging moment. Here are some of our finished pieces of work, they are WOW all right!

It was Sunday Mum and I were training for a dressage competition we rode 
around on the arena. After training we went to the competition I did a test with trot and walk and the challenging one too . It had trot , walk and canter so it was so hard. I

was so nervous but I came 4th and that was exciting.

By Amy 

Rugby 2014

Me and Ben went to our 2nd year of rugby. We should be in under 8.5 but we decided to be in under 10's. It is awesome. I scored a try in the corner. Ben scored a try too. We had lots of fun to be playing again. I tackled the biggest kid in the other team. It seemed impossible. I did it. I felt good and happy.

By Sam G


It was my fist time . I was scared and I kept on whipping her. I heard mum cheering.I was going very fast. I went bump bump bump. I held on tight and she cantered.I  was proud of myself when I got off her.

by Ella

A few weeks ago I did the weet-bix triathlon and I did the individual one. I do not know what place I got but I was proud of my self when I finished because I did my best.When I biked I saw lot's of ducks and lots of people hurt but I biked on because I wanted to win. I did a good job when I was biking on the road because I over took the people on the road.When there were no cars coming I over took the biker's on the other side of the cones.When I was going to the finishing line I heard my Grandma, Sara, Mum and Sam were cheering for me. After the prize giving we went to McDonalds. 

By Caitlin

The climbing wall at camp

At camp we did a climbing wall. It was huge I did not want to do it. But everybody 
Wanted me to go on it so I did. I was scared but I got a quarter of the way up 

I was impressed. I loved it.

By Logan R

The Lorax and Logan

The Lorax and I went to the river and had some chocolate, it was fun. We played netball and 
 made a house, he loved it.

By Logan

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Our new playground

Yay, our playground is back. Come and join the fun. But please don't throw the gravel.

By Ollie

Plant Quiz - Week 2

We found more mystery plants today. Do you know what they are? Please comment if you know.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3
By Logan.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Prince Philip Cup Games Day

On Sunday the 30th of March  Amy, Jamie, Raewyn, Gemma and  Sonya went to the prince phillip cup games day. We were in springston pony club. There was six teams there. We came third place. It was amazing day there at games. We took part in an amazing day.

By Sonya and Amy.