Thursday 26 June 2014

5SC Prompt #18 Logan R

One day there were five bears computer bear, yoggie bear, chocolate bear, Lego bear, minecraft
Bear. One day they wanted to have a family rennion so they got the family together. They got a big
Blanket out and heaps of food and drinks. Thay all sat down and had lot of fun and food. Then they went to the park and had heaps of fun.


  1. Wow Logan, I was just visiting the 5SC blog to see how many people had written for the challenge this week when I found your writing. Someone from the next-door-class - it is a small world!

    I love the way you have started sentences with different beginnings and used commas between items in a list.

    Don't forget to use capitals for names of people or bears.
    One day there were five bears called Computer Bear, Yoggie Bear, Chocolate Bear, Lego Bear and Minecraft Bear.

    Allana (teacher from New Zealand)

  2. Hello Logan,
    How clever of you to write your sentences as a complete story :-)
    I can tell that your bears are having a lovely time catching up with their relatives on the picnic.
    Well done
    MrsP Team 5SC
